The TDLR has finally gotten around to actually implementing the fee reductions proposed and recommended some time ago.
The fee reductions will result in changes to the TDLR's regulations, and will be found in 16 Texas Administrative Code ("TAC), Chapter 72, Staff Leasing Services, §§72.80 and 72.81. In addition to reducing most fees, the TDLR also did away with the application/administrative fees. Thus rule §72.82 will be eliminated.
The adoption was filed with the Texas Register on January 12, 2005, and will be published in the January 28, 2005, issue of the Texas Register. The fee changes will be effective February 1, 2005. Obviously, if possible PEOs will want to wait until 2/1 to submit applications
The TDLR's explanation of the new rule, including the rationale for the changes can be found at:
Texas PEOs are enjopying the benefit of the TDLR's administration of a new state-wide electrical licensing law. The addition of this new licensing program allows the TDLR to spread its overhead acros tens of thousands of new license holders.